Fueling for Movement


Reminder: ALL BODIES ARE MADE TO MOVE and if you move your body, you need to fuel for it!

We see time and time again the lack of fueling for movement. This can be a HIIT workout, a run, a recreational swim, going up and down the stairs with a move…the movement possibilities are endless. 

Fueling before, during, and after movement is important to be able to get the

most out of your activity and aid your body to recover properly. 

Let’s talk about 5 tips to properly fuel for movement:

1. Eat Before

Properly fueling before movement is a must to give your body energy to do its

best work! Always ask yourself when the last time you ate was. If it has been

more than 3 hours since your last meal, eat a snack consisting of mostly

carbohydrates within one hour of movement. Some great options are

crackers, raisins, a piece of fruit, granola bars, or dry cereal such as

Cheerios. *Tip: always keep a few snacks in your car/bag just in case!

2. Eat During, if needed

Monitor your movement or activity days. If you are constantly moving for more

than 45 minutes, give yourself some fuel! Just like a snack before, keep some

high carbohydrate options on hand to snack on such as dried fruit,

orange/apple slices, granola bars, or applesauce. *Tip: aim for those snacks

that have high water content to make sure you are staying hydrated during

your activity such as fruit.

3. Eat After

Consuming foods high in protein and carbohydrates after practice help our

muscles recover! 

*Myth: We only need protein for recovery. False! Our bodies need protein for recovery AND we cannot fully absorb protein in to our muscles unless we have carbohydrates present as well! 

Encourage yourself to eat something within an hour after practice. Some great options are a piece of fruit and peanut butter, yogurt with granola or berries, chocolate milk, whole wheat toast with peanut butter, or trail mix.

4. Hydration is Key!

Always make sure you have a water bottle handy! I always tell people that this is a good thing to splurge on. The more you love your water bottle, the more you will use it. Depending on the size of the bottle, aim to consume one bottle before, one bottle during, and one bottle after movement to ensure proper Hydration. *Fact: we do not only need water but we also need electrolytes as well! Read more about that in one of our last posts HERE: https://worleynutritiongroup.com/new-blog/https/wwwjamisonworleyrdncom/new-blog-5

5. Be Creative and Have Fun!

This is a great time for you to have fun and get creative in creating snacks before, during, or after events. The more involved you are with your fueling techniques, the more you realize how important it is for you.

As always, there is no right or wrong here. Just simple education. A big thing we focus on at Worley Nutrition Group is educating and empowering. There is so much misinformation out there and we see it all the time in our office. Education is power and hope you continue to take this in to account as you fuel your body! 

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